Sunday, October 19, 2008

Have you started solid food yet?

This has been the question of the day. I have been going back and forth wondering how and when should we start solid food. At Addison's 4 month well check up our Dr. said that we could start anytime that we would like to between 4-6 months. I never expected that this would be such a big deal for me to transition into. I feel like breastfeeding with Addison has surprisingly been such a sweet bonding experience. Addison is certainly getting what she needs, so why would we want to change a good thing? Well I had one of those moments looking at Addison I thought back and remembered watching my mom cry as I left home for A&M my Freshman year. I am pretty sure that I rolled my eyes and thought how silly she was for crying. But now I know I am going to be the same way. Looking at Addison now, I know that I am raising her to become independent so that one day (thankfully not very soon) she will also leave her home to go on to bigger things. All of this past through my mind when I knew that Addison was showing signs that she was ready to try food. She has also been very interested in watching us eat. So, we finally tired rice cereal for the first time this Sunday. It was fun letting her get messy and experience solid food for the first time.


carridawn said...

I'm right there with you! It seems like I cry at every new stage. They grow up so fast!!! She is so beautiful! Funny how the food gets more on them then in them. We had bath times almost after every feeding. ENJOY!
thinking of y'all-
the moores

The Tomblins said...

LOL! I love the caption!

Aaron, Lacey, Audrey and Elle said...

Oh, I'm sure I'll cry too! Audrey will be 3 months old this Tuesday and just thinking about that makes me want to cry....where does the time go?!? Addison looks like she's having a lot of fun ;) She's such a pretty girl!